
Hey everyone, first of all thanks for checking out this page. I’m going to keep this short and simple so let’s dive right in.

Over the last 3 years I have been involved in creating a marketing messaging tool for Facebook. This tool is able to build a chatbot that emulates human-like behavior. Through the course of these years I have learned allot about chatbots and why they can be really important as a marketing tool. For a good couple reasons:

  • Providing 24/7 customer service
  • Building a more personal relation with clients
  • Higher marketing performance versus traditional 80%+ open rates on messages you send!!!
  • 300% higher CTR than email

And obviously way more! In order to cash in on this marketing gem, you will need to have your audience connect to your chatbot. Only then you can actively reach out to the people that have subscribed to your message bot. This is he same principle that you’d see with opting-in for an email newsletter.

So today’s free gift is a chat widget, this widget can be fully customized to tailor your brands needs and is 100% free to use! After a couple clicks your chatbot widget will be ready to use! You simply copy and paste the embed code on your website and you are off to the races.

Check out how easy it is below (click on the image for full screen)

The cool thing is, whenever a visitor on your sites interacts and chats with the widget. It will be send directly into your facebook page chat. And this will trigger the subscribe action of the user to your contactable audience.

Test it out and let me know what you think.

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Dennis de Graaf

Founder of GrowdZen, ex-cto/co-founder of multiple 7-figure SaaS companies, technology & marketing enthusiast