
FREE lead generation software

Hey everyone, first of all thanks for checking out this page. I’m going to keep this short and simple so let’s dive right in. Over the last 3 years I have been involved in creating a marketing messaging tool for Facebook. This tool is able to build a chatbot that emulates human-like behavior. Through the course of these years I have learned allot about chatbots and why they can be really important as a marketing Read more…

Why 95% of businesses fail

It might surprise you to learn that more than 95% of businesses fail within the first 10 years of first seeing the light of day? That means that less than 5% actually succeeded. Or rather… SURVIVED! This blog post is about the reasons why so many of us fail. What differences are there between the failing and surviving entrepreneurs? One of the greatest business minds explains that it all starts with 2 huge factors: Innovation Read more…

Don’t pay for free Stock photo’s/video’s from sleazy marketers

Free stock photo’s and video’s being “stolen” and SOLD to you.. Lately, I have seen a huge surge in Internet Marketing products involving free stock photos and video’s, the general gist of the products being put out there are generally either one of 2 options. A collection of PLR (Private Label Rights) photo’s and video’s. A collection of searchable databases that source photo’s and video’s from FREE sites. We’ll be looking at both of the Read more…